"Carl Filtsch" International Competition & Festival

- XXVIII edition -

- for pianists & composers -

- July 9-14, 2024 -

Contact: carlfiltschcompetition@gmail.com

Competition Schedule - 2024 Edition

July 9: Category C - Stage I

July 10: Category C - Stage II

July 11: Category A and Category B

July 12: Category C - Rehearsals with orchestra - 10:00-14:00

July 13: Category C - Rehearsals with orchestra - 10:00-13:00

19:00 - Gala + Category C - Final


Since the first edition in 1995, Carl Filtsch’s Competition has gradually established during its 23 years, thus becoming the most important piano performance competition from Transylvania.

Besides the main organizer represented by The State Philharmonic from Sibiu, this project has been supported by many institutions, foundations and associations that have been involved in this festival. We list here: Sibiu County Council, Sibiu City Hall, General Consulate of Germany in Sibiu, Haus Des Deutschen Ostens München, Münchener Musikseminar, Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, Münchensiebenbürgisch-Sächsische Stiftung, Heimatgemeinschaft der Deutschen aus Hermannstadt, Landmannschaft der Siebenbürger Sachsen in Deutschland, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung, Familie und Frauen.

The jury was mainly formed by seven members, outstanding personalities of Romanian and international musical life. We mention some famous names here: Peter Szaunig (Germany), Walter Krafft (Germany), the two being also the founding members of the Contest, Leonhard Westermayr (Germany), Tomislav Baynov, Georges Petrov, Dimitar Zenghinov, Daniela Andonova (Bulgaria), Perfecto Garcia Charnet (Spain), László Baranyai, Balázs Szokolai (Hungary), Francois Robert Girolami (France), Waldemar Köhn (Ukraine), Paolo Pollice, Rafaele Vinci (Italy), Tatiana Levitina (Russia), Dan Voiculescu, Valentin Gheorghiu, Dan Grigore, Nicolae Brânduş, Gheorghe Costin, Mihai Ungureanu, Viniciu Moroianu, Vlad Dimulescu, Dragoş Mihăilescu, Csíky Boldizsár (Romania).

Many competitors from abroad (Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, South Korea, Croatia, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary) took part into the competition and the amount of prizes has reached 10,000 euros for several years. We would like to mention some of the laureates who won the first prize and had an exceptional performance. Among them, there are pianists that have an impressive career now, whose piano activity is found on the greatest stages of the world: Fan Chyang Yi (Taiwan), Zaranok Slavomir (Belarus), Gudre Zane (Latvia), Alexandra Dariescu (Romania), Alexandru Timofeev (Republic of Moldova), Vucadinovici Ksenia (Serbia), Khozianov Nicolai (Russia), Adela Liculescu (Romania), Tetiana Shafran (Ukraine), Petrova Ilinka (Bulgaria), Szczepan Konczal (Poland), Osminin Alexander (Russia), Mattson Viktor (Sweden), Demény Balázs (Hungary), Kiselev Dmitrii (Russia), Voropciuc Izabela (Romania), Mokrtskyi Vladyslav (Ukraine), Boţac Cadmiel (Romania), Masleev Dimitry (Russia).


The first edition of the „Carl Filtsch” International Piano Competition and Festival took place between 28th of August and 3rd of September 1995. Sibiu has been hosting the event for 23 years, being the nearest cultural centre to the place of Carl Filtsch’s birth (Sebeş-Alba/Mülbach) and the idea of setting up this competition-festival belongs to the professors Peter Szaunig and Walter Krafft. Fortunately, the Sibiu Fortress has carefully preserved the cultural heritage left by the Transylvanian Saxons, the atmosphere of the city still bears, in the most significantly way, the existence of an outstanding culture in the context of the era. The effort of the two saxon teachers was supported by a generous help of the local authorities (County Council, Sibiu City Hall, Sibiu Philharmonic), thus this festival becoming the most eloquent example for the promotion of multiculturalism. A phenomenon that the modern world wants to be proud of. Of course Carl Filtsch’s name was unknown at first, both in the country and abroad, but due to the sustained effort of several musicians, mainly pianists, the Festival has gradually become during the 23 years, one of the most prestigious events of its kind in Transylvania.

Since 1993, personalities like Csíky Boldizsár Jr. and Leonhard Westermayr completely mastered Carl Filtsch’s compositions, including them in the concert programs of their own tours, thus making them known to the public around the world, in countries like: Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, Germany, Scotland, Russia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Hungary, Czech Republic, USA, Japan.

The share of the Festival has increased step by step, two recitals and a gala concert being held with the winners of the three categories in the competition. After the first edition besides several concert pianists (Leonhard Westermayr/Germany, Csíky Boldizsár jr., Adela Liculescu, Octavian Renea /Romania, Slawomir Zaranok/Russia, Andreea Calvani/Italy, Massimiliano Valenti/Italy, Alberto Lodoletti/Italy, Izabela Voropciuc, Mihai Ritivoiu /Romania, Olivier de Spiegeleir/Belgium, Josu de Solaun/Spain etc.) there were also various famous chamber ensembles that performed here (Gabriel Croitoru-violin and Horia Mihail-piano, Matthew Baker- bass-baritone and Johann Markel-piano, Valentin Gheorghiu-piano and Roxana Gheorghiu-piano, Cristian Florea-cello and Steluța Radu- piano, Cristina Bojin-flute and Cristina Mureșan-piano, Horia Văcărescu-violin and Chiho Tsunakawa-piano/Japan, Cristina Anghelescu-violin and Viniciu Moroianu-piano, Transylvanian Saxophone Quartet, Tromba Felix Brass Quartet, Maxim Quartet, Enescu Quartet, Transilvan Quartet, Gaudeamus Quartet), offering an extra colour to this cultural project.


Carl Filtsch (1830-1845) born in Sebeș, Chopin's favorite student, pianist and composer, was one of Transylvania's great musical talents. Carl Filtsch's personality, compositional and interpretive style sparked the musical world of Europe in the mid-19th century. This is evidenced by the relationship he had with the most important composers of the time: Chopin or Liszt, the reception at all the royal courts of Europe, his presence in all the significant intellectual circles of Vienna or Paris and the numerous articles published in the publications of the time from every corner he had visited. Despite his unexpected and premature disappearance, he continued to dwell in the consciousness of all those he had the opportunity to touch and inspire. At that moment, considered one of the brightest stars in the sky of romantic Europe, Filtsch also left his mark on the Transylvanian communities through the two tournaments he undertook in the homeland he loved so much. This artistic legacy came to us through the efforts of some great personalities and communities of the 20th century. They continue at the beginning of the 21st century, being able to serve as a model for restoring, preserving and living some values ​​that formed and define us. The personalities who set out to bring back to the public consciousness the artistic legacy left by Carl Filtsch are Peter Szaunig and Walter Krafft, notably through the founding and organizing of the Carl Carltsch International Piano and Composition Competition and Festival in Romania. Of the pianists who have done the most in this artistic movement, Csíky Boldizsár is noted, who not only recorded the entirety of Filtsch's works but also performed them in numerous concerts both in the country and abroad. Filtsch's sensitivity and precocity could only develop as a result of a unique socio-cultural environment in Sebeș and its surroundings, characterized by certain customs and patterns of polyethical life typical of Transylvania. Period within the family (1830-1837): The love and affection received in the family, the special attention of the parents towards his needs, activities and customs in the house parents have propelled Filtsch to develop on several essential planes, such as: musical listening, multilingualism, focused study and stage presence. The Vienna Period (1837-1841): Involving the Bánffy family in Filtsch's destiny opens the way to Vienna where it has all the best of this city: the most important teachers - Wieck, Mittag, Sechter; the friendship of personalities like Liszt or Thalberg and the grace of the entire imperial court. In 1840 Carl writes at home: "Franz Liszt is now in Vienna. I went to his concerts and I met with him often. I played them in Count Amadei's house. I wanted to kiss his hand, but he said, "No, don't do this, we're colleagues!" When I returned to the piano, I joined my improvisations, imitating with thunder on the left and on the right with lightning. I haven't heard anything more beautiful in my life. - God, how can this man sing! He gave me his transcript at Schubert's Serenade with the dedication: The wonderful child of Transylvania. " He also undertakes a tour in his homeland, having a great impact on the public, which results from the articles published in the press of the time.The Parisian Period (1841-1843): It was a very special period in Filtsch's life. In addition to being Chopin's favorite student and a truly exceptional performer of his music, Filtsch is the focus of attention in all circles of Parisian high society, where he achieves success after success by interpreting monumental works. From Meyerbeer's, Chopin's and Liszt's never-before-seen statements to receiving a Erard piano gift or organizing a farewell evening with 500 guests at Baron Rotschild's house, all this reveals only part of Filtsch's fame. in Paris. In August 1842 Joseph writes to his parents: "While Chopin was gone, Liszt offered to give the boy piano hours. One by one, Liszt presents him as a miracle child from his country. Liszt is not married, but has a 10-year relationship with Countess d'Agoult, one of France's most important families, and her two wonderful daughters live together with his mother, Mrs. Liszt. He invited us to a party in the house of this beautiful and kind lady. The whole aristocracy of music and science, even Berlioz (the same one, to whom the great Paganini offered him 20,000 fr. After listening to the symphony) and ladies from the highsociety of the whole world were present here. Carl was very successful here and was declared the successor of Liszt, to whom he declared: "If the kid starts to travel the world, I will have to close my shop!" Liszt gave him the free hours, as a patriotic obligation and for his own glory, as he declares, while Chopin regularly received 20 francs ”. Once, after playing his Concerto in a minor, Chopin declared with tears in his eyes, "God, what a child! No man understood me as well as this child, he is the most special of all the ones I have met. It is not a copy, it is a feeling, a musical feeling that makes him sing spontaneously, without intention, as if it should be. Almost all my pieces he sings so, without ever hearing them performed by me, without the slightest indication from me - he does not interpret them exactly like me, because he puts his own mark - but his interpretation is no less. valuable than mine. " London Tour (1843): In 3 months spent in London, alongside the special appearance in front of Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace, Filtsch is also credited with making Chopin beloved by the English public."Musical World" note: "Carl Filtsch is one of the most wonderful appearances in the history of art. In the two months since he is with us, he has acquired a rare reputation. He has shown us that it is not unnatural for a teenager, even a child, to have the spirit and energy of a man. There is no brighter future than this child promises. " "Musical World" also wrote "Carl Filtsch deserves his reputation for being the one who made Chopin to please the English public. In addition he laid the foundation stone to a glory that - this is our prophecy - will not have equal in the annals of music. " The queen gave the boy a gold chain as a sign of her appreciation. Shadows of the End (1843 - 1845): He returns for a short time to Vienna, then spends the summer of 1844 happy in Transylvania. Symptoms such as flu or measles had already appeared in his letters. At the doctors' recommendation, he was sent to Venice for a bath along with Countess Bánffy, but although he hoped and believed that he was on the road to recovery, in the summer of 1845 he left behind those who loved him so much.



The XXVIIth edition of the “Carl Filtsch” International Festival and Competition For Pianists and Composers will take place in Sibiu, Romania, between the 9th and 14th of July 2024 and it is dedicated to Carl Filtsch, in the memory of this exceptional Transylvanian musician who was born in 1830 in Sebeş-Alba-Mühlbach (Transylvania) and died in Venice in 1845.

All the categories and the rounds of the competition are open to the public and will take place at the Thalia Hall of the Sibiu State Philharmonic. Prizes will be awarded in the frame of the Closing Gala Concert, on the -

The “Carl Filtsch” Literary Salon will take place on -


The Competition is open to young musicians from all countries and is organized for the following three age-categories:

CATEGORY A: born after the 27th of May 2012

CATEGORY B: born between the 27th of May 2008 and the 26th of May 2012

CATEGORY C: born between then 27th of May 1993 and 26th of May 2008

The Jury will evaluate and award prizes not only for the piano performances of the candidates, but also for their original piano compositions.


For A and B categories, the competition is organized in only ONE ROUND.


The total lenght of this single round shall be between minimum 10 and maximum 15 minutes.

The candidate’s repertoire shall include:

a) one or more polyphonic works from the Baroque repertoire, at candidate’s choice

b) one of the following works composed by Carl Filtsch*, at candidate’s choice:

  • Choral

  • Romance

  • Barcarolle

  • Andante op.1

  • no.1-3 / 4-6 preludes from "Six Little Preludes"

c) one or more works at candidate’s choice

Optional: the candidate can choose to perform one or more own original compositions of maximum 3 minutes duration, that shall be included in the maximum 15 minutes lenght of the single round

*Works by Carl Filtsch can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BSYL8qYwbSlDVV8oOBOmYyeKZCsDd8E2?usp=drive_link


The total lenght of this single round shall be between minimum 20 and maximum 25 minutes.

The candidate’s repertoire shall include:

a) one or more polyphonic works from the Baroque repertoire, at candidate’s choice

b) one of the following works composed by Carl Filtsch*, at candidate’s choice:- Adagio in C minor “Adieu”- Mazurka- Nocturno op.1 no.2,- Nocturno op.14 in C sharp major- Prelude and Fugue in C minor- Etude op.10 in A major*

c) one or more works at candidate’s choice

Optional: the candidate can choose to perform one or more own original compositions of maximum 4 minutes duration, that shall be included in the maximum 25 minutes lenght of the single round

*Works by Carl Filtsch can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BSYL8qYwbSlDVV8oOBOmYyeKZCsDd8E2?usp=drive_link


For category C, the competition is organized in THREE ROUNDS.


The total lenght of the first round shall not exceed 15 minutes.

The candidate’s repertoire shall include:

a) Johann Sebastian Bach: Prelude and Fugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1 or Book 2, at candidate’s choice

b) Fr. Chopin: two Etudes from Op. 10 or Op. 25

c) one of the following works composed by Carl Filtsch, at candidate’s choice

  • Impromptu in G flat major

  • Impromptu in B flat minor

  • Introduction and Variations in A major

  • Etude op.8 in F major

Optional: the candidate can choose to perform one or more own original compositions of maximum 4 minutes duration, that shall be included in the maximum 15 minutes lenght of the first round.

*Works by Carl Filtsch can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BSYL8qYwbSlDVV8oOBOmYyeKZCsDd8E2?usp=drive_link


The total length of the second round shall not exceed 30 minutes.

The candidate’s repertoire shall include:

a) the first movement of a Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven Piano Sonata

b) one or more works from the Romantic repertoire, at candidate’s choice

c) one or more works from the XXth century or contemporary repertoire, at candidate’s choice


The candidate shall choose one of the following Piano Concertos:

  • W. A. Mozart: Piano Concertos no. 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26 or 27

  • L. van Beethoven: Piano Concertos no. 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5

  • Carl Filtsch: Konzertstück in B minor for Piano and Orchestra*

  • F. Chopin: Piano Concerto no. 1 or 2

  • Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor

  • F. Liszt: Piano Concerto no. 1 or 2

  • E. Grieg: Piano Concerto in A minor

  • P. I. Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto no. 1

  • S. Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto no. 2, 3

  • M. Ravel: Piano Concerto in G Major

  • C. Franck: Symphonic Variations

*Works by Carl Filtsch can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BSYL8qYwbSlDVV8oOBOmYyeKZCsDd8E2?usp=drive_link

All works must be performed from memory. This rule applies to all the categories of the Competition. Candidates shall provide scores for the Jury members if the Jury memebers will ask for them. Own original compositions scores shall be provided to the Jury memebers. During the competition, candidates have the possibility to daily practice in different locations put at their disposal by the organizers on Yamaha instruments provided by Yamaha Music Europe (Sibiu State Philharmonic, Mirror Hall –The Democratic Forum of the Germans in Romania, other locations).


„Carl Filtsch” Piano and Composition International Festival and Competition will award the following cash prizes and perks:

CATEGORY A: a total amount of 1200 euro

CATEGORY B: a total amount of 2200 euro


First Prize - 3000 euro

Second Prize - 2000 euro

Third Prize - 1000 euro

CATEGORY C First-Prize Winner of the „Carl Filtsch” Piano and Composition International Festival and Competition will receive an invitation to perform a Piano Concerto in the annual concert seasons of the Sibiu State Philharmonic and Târgu Mureș State Philharmonic.

The jury may award, if appropriate, the following special prizes:

  • Special Prize for the best performance of a work composed by Carl Filtsch

  • Special Prize for an own original composition

  • „Peter Szaunig” Special Prize

  • „Walter Krafft” Special Prize

First-Prize Winners of previous editions of „Carl Filtsch” Piano and Composition International Competition and Festival cannot participate anymore in the same age category.


The jury consists of recognized personalities from the international musical stage:

  • Csiky Boldizsár - pianist, Ph.D. Prof. Dr., Gheorghe Dima Music Academy - president of the jury

  • Silvia Sbârciu - pianist, PhD Associate Professor, Gheorghe Dima Music Academy, Cluj Philharmonic Manager

  • Cristian Lupeș - conductor, Sibiu Philharmonic Manager

  • Nadja Preissler - Professor, Münchener Musikseminar-München Germania

  • Valentin Doni - Bacău Philharmonic Conductor

  • Adela Liculescu - pianist, Vienna Austria

  • Andrey YAROSHINSKY - pianist, professor of High School “Katarina Gurska” in Madrid

The jury reserves the right not to award prizes to certain categories or to distribute the prizes within the categories to several candidates. All candidates will receive participation certificates and/or diplomas. Jury’s decisions are irrevocable. No appeals accepted.


Applications shall be submitted not later than 1ST OF JULY. All the required documents shall be sent at the following address: Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu Str. Cetăţii 3-5550160 Sibiu-Romania.

Candidates can also submit their application online, via the following link:


On post submitted applications, please mention: "For The „Carl Filtsch” International Piano and Composition Competition and Festival"


  • filled-in application form (pdf., jpg., jpeg)

  • copy of the birth certificate (pdf., jpg., jpeg)

  • copy of the Identity Card / Passport (.pdf, .jpg, .jpeg)

  • a short artistic biography / presentation in Romania and/or English (.doc, .pdf)

  • a recent photo (.jpg, .jpeg)

  • repertoire form that shall include the following information: name and surname of the candidate • competition category applied for • complete name of the composer and complete title and duration of the works to be performed

Once the application is submitted, the candidate is bound and agrees to the terms and conditions of the The „Carl Filtsch” International Piano and Composition Competition and Festival.


The registration fee for all the „Carl Filtsch” International Piano and Composition Competition and Festival categories shall be payed in cash, on the day of one’s arrival in Sibiu, at the competition’s secretariat, in Romanian currency, at the equivalent exchange rate of the registration day in Sibiu.

CATEGORY A AND B:30 € (in Romanian currency at the equivalent exchange rate of the registration day in Sibiu)

CATEGORY C: the equivalent in LEI of 50 € (in Romanian currency at the equivalent exchange rate of the registration day in Sibiu)


Additional information regarding registration, travel to Romania/Sibiu and/or accommodation and board facilities during the competition in Sibiu can be obtained from the Sibiu State Philharmonic Secretariat, every week from Monday to Friday between 10.00 AM and 3.00 PM



Tel.: 004 0701131808
